A mice infestation in your home creates many inconveniences. These rodents scatter about your home chewing on furniture and cables, and can even take over your pantry if left unattended. Mice are known to chew through food packaging which could leave your family vulnerable to illnesses like Salmonellosis, rat-bite fever, and lassa fever.
So what are the different ways to protect your food from mice? Transferring your food into containers, refrigerating your food instead of leaving leftovers out in the open, and sealing entry points of the house are just some ways to protect your food from mice. It’s also a good idea to have an understanding of what kinds of foods mice are attracted to so you know which foods need to be kept safely.
How to Protect Food From Mice
There are several ways to keep food away from mice. The quickest solution is to store your food properly but this doesn’t necessarily fix the problem. The best way to keep mice away from your food, in the long run, is by eliminating these rodents so you won’t have to worry about them going through your food and contaminating it. Here are some ways to protect your food from mice:
1. Transferring Food Into Containers
Simply storing your food in the pantry won’t guarantee that your food is safe from these rodents since they can still gnaw through food packaging. Mice can bite through a variety of packaging, except for metal, glass, and heavy-duty hard plastic.
Instead of leaving food in containers, consider transferring your food into airtight containers, glass jars, or metal lunch boxes to make them rodent-proof. Here are some containers you may want to check out:
- Lock & Lock Easy Essentials Container Food Storage Bin: This airtight container uses a patented 4-hinge locking system to store your food in. It comes in a set of 6, and is microwave and dishwasher-safe.
- Stainless Steel Canister Set: These containers use the screw-on mechanism to keep your food fresh. It has a clear see-through window that lets you see the inside of your container.
- Vtopmart Airtight Food Storage Containers: These containers come in a set of 12 and are available in different sizes. It also comes with reusable labels so you can easily track your food.
Without their original packaging, keeping track of your food’s expiration dates might be a little tricky. You can use label makers or you can cut the part of the food packaging that indicates the expiration date and place those inside the container.
Transferring food into containers may also eliminate the rodents from your home. Without access to food, they might be encouraged to move away from your property and nest somewhere else where there is a constant food source. Mice can survive on just an ounce of food per day, so any possible food source that they might have must be removed and secured.
2. Using the Refrigerator and Freezer
Another method that can help protect your food from mice is to take advantage of the refrigerator and the freezer. When you store your food in the pantry, these rodents can still sneak in through the small gaps and chew through the food packaging.
The refrigerator and the freezer are sealed shut, so these rodents can’t squeeze themselves in and damage your food. If you prefer to store your food in the pantry, you can also invest in having metal cabinets to make it more difficult for the rodents to enter.
3. Sealing Entry Points of the House
Mice can devise different ways to invade your home. Even the smallest crack in your foundation is a viable entry point for these pests. Sealing entry points of your house is one of the best ways to prevent rodent infestations from happening in the first place.
Common entry points of mice and rats include any small gaps in doors and windows. They can also chew holes through holes and floors, which makes it easier for them to enter your home. Prevent this from happening by sealing holes and cracks in your home using the following materials:
- Caulk and Steel Wool: A mixture of these two materials is one of the best ways to plug and seal small holes to make your house mouse-proof. It makes surfaces smooth so mice cannot pull it out or chew through it.
- Cement: Cement is a tough material that is difficult for mice to gnaw through. Make sure that you use strong cement and check this regularly so that the rodents don’t have a chance against the material.
- Metal: Thick metal will be difficult for mice to chew through which means it is great for sealing any holes and gaps that mice can enter in. If using this material, check on it regularly to prevent it from rusting.
- Glass: Glass is a great material to use for mouse-proofing your house. Mice find it difficult to chew through glass, so it helps keep the pests from entering your home.
- Heavy-Duty Plastic: Though mice tend to chew through different types of plastic, hard plastic can help with making your place rodent-proof. If you’re looking for a cheaper alternative to mouse-proof your house, you may use this material instead.
If you have a tree in your garden, they can also climb it and enter through any branches or limbs that connect to your home. Tall grass in your garden is inviting nesting grounds for mice and may attract them to your property. Rats and mice may also feed on any fruit that is left growing in the garden.
Be mindful of your landscaping and check bushes and trees regularly to ensure that mice aren’t nesting in your property or that no branches or plants serve as a bridge between the outside and your home.
4. Using Mice Repellents
Using different mice and rat repellents work well in preventing any rodent infestations inside your home. Placing these around your property can help in eliminating mice so that they won’t go through your food and cause more damage. Here are some different rodent-repelling techniques you may want to try:

Setting Up Traps
Setting up traps can help eliminate mice inside your home. Mouse traps are widely available and are a fairly cheap option to remove the rodents in your property. Here are some of the different kinds of traps available on the market:
- Traditional snap trap: This trap has improved over the years. Previous versions of these are wooden, while newer versions are sturdier since it is made from metal.
- Glue board or a glue trap: Glue boards have extremely sticky surfaces that trap mice and rats. This can often be used alone without any bait. It also has a low profile, so mice and rats are less likely to avoid it. If traditional traps haven’t worked in the past, consider something more non-descript like a glue trap.
- Electronic rodent traps: Electronic rodent traps deliver a high voltage that instantly kills the mouse or rat when caught. You don’t need poison or bait for these either.
- Catch and release traps: Release traps are a more humane way of catching mice and rats. These work by trapping the rodent inside a small cage with the help of a bait. Once the mouse is trapped inside, you can release it away from your home.
Before using any of these traps, take note of places with high rodent activity such as near walls and dark areas. To increase the effectiveness of your traps, consider using bait. . Mice have a heightened sense of smell so use gloves with traps to ensure no human scent lingers around your traps.
Electronic Repellents
Using electronic repellents can also help in keeping mice away from your home and preventing them from feeding on your food. This is also a natural way to eliminate mice since it does not require the use of any poison.
These devices work by emitting a high-frequency sound that the rodents are sensitive to. This sound cannot be heard by humans and is only perceivable by rodents. Keep in mind that not all electronic repellents are the same. Studies have revealed that certain brands of electronic repellents aren’t effective in repelling rodents so take that into consideration when shopping for one.
Using Household Items
In addition to traps and electronic repellents, there are also many household items that are useful when managing a mice infestation. Here are some household items you can use to repel mice:

5. Reduce Clutter at Home
Aside from food sources inside your home, rats and mice are also attracted to clutter. This provides them with the warmth they need to nest and burrow. Clutter in your home may make you oblivious to an existing infestation and makes your home a more attractive nest for rodents.
Common places in the house that they find shelter in is the attic, garage, and any other storage room with clutter. Cardboard and paper are common nesting materials, so it’s best to eliminate these from your home or tuck them away from rodents.
What Food Sources Are Mice Attracted To?
Knowing what food sources mice are attracted to is helpful in determining which foods to store away. Although mice tend to eat anything, there are other kinds of food that mice prefer. Here are some of those:
1. Nuts
The high protein content in nuts makes it enticing for mice and other rodents. They eat almost any kind of nut, from cashews to hazelnuts. These creatures are also attracted to any nut by-products like peanut butter and hazelnut spread.
2. Grains and Seeds
Grains and seeds are some of the more natural food sources for rodents. Even grain by-products such as flour and cornbread are equally enticing to mice as raw products like bird seeds.
3. Fruits and Berries
In the wild, fruits and berries are what rodents feed on the most. These foods have a strong, sweet scent that these rodents are attracted to. As such, people who have gardens or grow fruit trees in their yard tend to have an increased risk of infestation in their home.
4. Sweet and Salty Treats
Mice and rats have a heightened sense of smell and are easily attracted to sweet and salty snacks with strong scents. These rodents are attracted to sweet treats like chocolate, gum drops, and soft candies. Likewise, salty treats like soft cheese with pungent smells are also a target.
5. Pet Food
Pet food is also a food source for mice. These rodents will eat almost anything, so any type of food that you feed your pets may also attract mice. Instead of leaving pet food in their original packaging, consider moving these to airtight containers, away from the rodents’ reach.
Effective Rodent Control at Midway Pest Management
Even though there are several methods to help protect your food from mice, one of the best ways to make sure that your place is rodent-free is to seek the help of professionals. Here at Midway Pest Management, we offer professional rodent control services in Kansas City.
Our team of experienced staff members helps provide customized solutions to your infestation problems. We promise excellent service that guarantees a pest-free home for at least two years. Call us to know more about us and our services.
Learn more: “Why Is My Mouse Trap Not Working?” 7 Reasons Why