Keeping Your Home Bat-Free: Exclusion and Humane Deterrence by Midway Pest Management

Hi my name is Luis Gonzalez, with another What’s Bugging You podcast.

At Midway Pest Management, we value a safe, pest-free home. Bats, though beneficial to the environment, can intrude into attics or chimneys. I’ll help you use exclusion and humane deterrence methods to keep bats out while respecting their importance.

Why Bats Choose Homes

Bats seek shelter in attics for roosting, raising young, and hibernating due to their dark, undisturbed nature. Entry points like gaps around chimneys, soffits, vents, or rooflines offer easy access. Exclusion is crucial: seal all access points to prevent their return after nightly foraging.

Midway’s Exclusion Tips:

Conduct a Thorough Inspection: During the day, meticulously examine your home’s exterior for potential entry points. Look for gaps around chimneys, rooflines, soffits, fascia boards, vents, and eaves. Also, check the interior for signs of bat activity, like droppings or guano, near suspected entry points. Bat guano can often be stuck to siding near entry points, accumulating in gutters or be found on the ground directly underneath entry points or near by. When our wildlife technicians inspect homes we always look at the house top to bottom for any evidence indicating bats may be present and to narrow down entry points.
Seal Entry Points: Once you’ve identified entry holes, use appropriate materials like caulk, expanding foam, or sheet metal to seal them permanently. Ensure a tight seal to prevent bats from squeezing back in.
Install One-Way Exit Devices: For active bat colonies, consider installing bat cones over identified exit points.These funnel-shaped devices allow bats to leave but prevent re-entry. They are a humane solution for evicting unwanted house guests.

What NOT to Do:

Never handle a bat directly. Use bite-proof gloves and a container to capture it safely if absolutely necessary however professional removal should always be the first option as handling bats can put you and others at risk of being bit.
Don’t seal bats inside walls. This creates a health hazard and can trap them, leading to them dying inside your home.

If You Encounter a Bat:

Leave the room immediately and seal the entry point if possible.
Contact your wildlife removal professional soon as possible if you don’t have a wildlife control service provider call us Midway Pest Management and we can help.
If you get bitten by a bat, the most important thing is to seek medical attention immediately.Rabies is a serious illness and you’ll need to start treatment as soon as possible. If you can safely contain the bat, such as by closing it in a room or compartment, that can be helpful. This allows animal control or wildlife professionals to remove the bat for rabies testing. However, your safety is the top priority. Don’t try to touch the bat yourself or put yourself at risk.

When to Call a Professional

While DIY exclusion is possible, consider consulting Midway Pest Management for expert assistance as working around bats, the use of ladders or being up on roofs can be dangerous. Our technicians are trained in humane bat exclusion and can ensure a complete solution keeping you and your family safe.

Living Alongside Nature

Bats are essential insectivores that help control mosquito populations. By following these exclusion and deterrence methods, you can keep bats out of your living space while allowing them to continue their valuable role in the ecosystem. Remember bats outside are free insect control and we like bats outdoors just not indoors.

Midway Pest Management is committed to humane and effective pest and wildlife control solutions. Contact us today at 913-820-9737 for a FREE consultation and FREE estimate.

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