Will Mice Crawl on You While Sleeping?

The bedroom is a personal space in the home where you let your guard down and have a good night’s sleep. But if mice have started infesting the home and have infiltrated your personal space, it’s hard to relax knowing that they may climb in the bed. So is there a chance that a mouse […]

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What’s The Difference Between Pavement Ants And Sugar Ants?

Any pest professional will tell you that ants are possibly one of the most common nuisance pests that they’re called in to remove – and that’s because the sheer variety of ant species means that ant control methods need to be equally varied. Take for example pavement ants and sugar ants: while both are house […]

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What’s The Difference Between Carpenter, Odorous, and Pavement Ants?

Ants are some of the most common nuisance pests you can encounter in your house. These insects can nest anywhere from the walls of your rooms to a tree in your garden, and (if the conditions are right) can create extremely large nests that are difficult to get rid of. If you think you’re dealing […]

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What’s The Difference Between Pavement Ants And Termites?

Termites and ants can cause extensive damage to your home, but the species of destructive insect should always be considered separately when it comes to pest prevention and treatment. Not only is this the best way to avoid extensive damage to homes and commercial spaces, correctly identifying which is which can help you get the […]

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How to Get Rid of Flying Termites

Swarms of multiple winged termites usually appear during springtime. These insects will come out of their colonies to search for food, mates, and new homes. If you suspect you have a flying termite infestation, it’s best to seek advice from a pest professional. But while termite infestations are not something you can treat on your […]

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What Diseases Can You Get From Rodents?

Rodents are known to carry several diseases that they can transmit to humans through contact with their urine, feces, or saliva. Because of this, it is important to be aware of these different diseases and how they can be transmitted. This prevents you from getting these diseases and dealing with all the problems that they […]

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The Most Effective Spider Repellent to Try at Home

Homes are meant to be our sanctuary, a place that makes us feel safe and secure. However, different circumstances could make it less ideal and livable. Health hazards like pests hiding in corners can affect the way we live. While some pests usually go away on their own, some, including spiders, require a more stringent […]

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“Why Is My Mouse Trap Not Working?” 7 Reasons Why

One of the most popular methods to eliminate mice is to use traps. It offers a quick and easy way to eliminate mice inside your property. However, some people may make mistakes when using these, causing more problems since they end up with ineffective mouse traps. So what are some of the reasons why your […]

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Drywood Termite VS Subterranean Termite: Everything You Need To Know

Termites are annoying pests to deal with and nobody likes having them in their home. There are different species of termites in the world, but two of the most common species found in the United States are drywood termites and subterranean termites. So what’s the difference between drywood termites and subterranean termites? The main difference […]

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How to Kill a Carpenter Ant Colony

Ants can infiltrate your property for a number of different reasons. If the infestation is left unchecked, they can quickly escalate into a serious risk. While some ants are just bothersome, others can be quite destructive. Carpenter ants are a species of ant you don’t want to have around your property. So how can you […]

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