Ant Control

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Little Black Ants: A Nuisance in the Kansas City Area

Hi my name is Luis Gonzalez, with another What’s Bugging You podcast. At Midway Pest Management, we understand the frustration…
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How Can I Tell the Difference Between Pharaoh Ants and Ghost Ants?

Ants are important in keeping the ecosystem balanced, but these social insects may become nuisance pests once they find their…
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Flying Ants VS Termites: What’s the Difference

Finding winged insects flying around your home or office can be disturbing. Termites and carpenter ants are known to eat…
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How to Treat Flying Carpenter Ants Infestation

It's bad enough if you have a carpenter ant infestation; it's even worse when the ants grow wings and start…
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How Do Ghost Ants Get Into The Bathroom?

It might be a genuine head-scratcher the first time you discover ants in your bathroom. Ants prefer to reside in…
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How To Get Rid of Pavement Ants Naturally

You've probably seen pavement ants at some time in your life, and if they’ve made their way to your home,…
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How To Get Rid Of Pavements Ants Naturally With Baking Soda

Pavement ants can be nuisance pests even if their entire colony isn't anywhere near your house at all. Since these…
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What’s The Difference Between Pavement Ants And Sugar Ants?

Any pest professional will tell you that ants are possibly one of the most common nuisance pests that they're called…
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What’s The Difference Between Carpenter, Odorous, and Pavement Ants?

Ants are some of the most common nuisance pests you can encounter in your house. These insects can nest anywhere…
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What’s The Difference Between Pavement Ants And Termites?

Termites and ants can cause extensive damage to your home, but the species of destructive insect should always be considered…
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How to Kill a Carpenter Ant Colony

Ants can infiltrate your property for a number of different reasons. If the infestation is left unchecked, they can quickly…
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What’s The Difference Between Ghost Ants and Fire Ants?

House-infesting ants can come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Two of the most common species that can be unpleasant…
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Ghost Ants vs Sugar Ants: What’s The Difference?

Finding ants in your home can be stressful and upsetting. Even the cleanest kitchens can occasionally attract these persistent intruders.…
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How to Eliminate Ghost Ants Without Contaminating the Kitchen

Ants are unwanted household pests that take the food in your kitchen and create nests in the walls. While there…
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Home Remedies to Kill Ghost Ants With Cinnamon

There are a variety of commercial pest control solutions available today to deal with ant infestations. Unfortunately, the majority of…
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How To Get Rid of Pavement Ants with Bait

Pavement ants earned their name from the fact that they build their nests in or under cracks in the pavement.…
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How To Get Rid of Fire Ants Inside Your Garden Stone Wall Pavement

Fire ants are one of the most common and difficult pests to deal with, as they’re aggressive and efficient in…
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Why Are Ghost Ants Getting Into Paper Books?

Ant infestations are common in different parts of the United States. They typically show up when they need shelter from…
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How to Make Bait for Ghost Ants With Boric Acid

Ghost ants have become a common household pest, invading homes from outside and building a nest inside. To permanently eliminate…
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Are Ghost Ants and White-footed Ants the Same Thing?

Ants are a common household pest that comes in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors. Among many ant…
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The Difference Between an Argentine Ant and a Pavement Ant

There are a wide variety of pests who have the power to wreck your home. At first sight, identifying the…
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How Much Does it Cost For Carpenter Ant Control?

When new carpenter ant nests are built, worker carpenter ants will search for a nearby food source, which can possibly…
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Ghost Ants vs Termites: What’s the Difference?

Ants and termites are often mistaken for one another. Although they have different ways of interfering with human activities, both…
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How to Rid Your Home of Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are an invasive species that are known to wreak havoc in homes that they infest. These specific species…
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How to Identify a Carpenter Ant

It can be unnerving to see enormous, dark ants inside your home, especially if they have wings. Many homeowners are…
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How to Locate a Carpenter Ant Nest

Carpenter ants can build nests both inside and outside of buildings; typically, they build them in hardwood trees with holes…
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