Setting up glue traps is one of the most common methods for catching mice. They’re cheap, easy to use, and most of them are chemical-free so they’re safe to place around children and household pets. But when using sticky traps, it’s important to know where to properly place them so the traveling rodents will successfully get entrapped.
So is it alright to leave a glue trap near a mouse hole? It’s not recommended to place glue traps near mouse holes or close to corners indoors. Mice are smart critters and when they discover that there’s a trap waiting for them outside their hole, they might just look for another route. It’s best to position mouse traps perpendicularly against the wall and somewhere far from their hole. You can also leave them under the kitchen sink, appliances, or tucked along the walls inside cabinets and cupboards.
Can You Place A Glue Trap Near Mouse Holes?
If you have an active mouse infestation at home, the first thing you need to do is to inspect your surroundings and find any small openings where mice and rats could be sneaking in. These unwanted creatures particularly like to search for a food source at night. It’s best to place mouse traps in the evening so you may find an immobilized rodent and dispose of them on the next day.
However, a common misconception is putting glue traps near open mouse holes. You may think that it’s the best way to trap them before they could step foot in your home, but it can sometimes work the opposite way. Here are some reasons why it could be wrong to place glue traps near mouse holes:
1. They could sense your trap and avoid it
It’s important to know that mice have heightened senses of smell. Because they have poor eyesight, they rely on their noses to detect any threat that looms along their usual routes. If they recognize a suspicious scent or object waiting outside their hole, they may think twice about exiting in that direction.
2. They could easily look for another opening where there are no traps
Mice are very curious about their surroundings and they’re always looking for new holes and spaces to hide in. When they notice your mouse trap outside their nests, they could simply just travel inside the walls and look for another trap-free exit. If you hear rustling or scurrying sounds, it could mean that you have mouse activity in your walls.
3. They may get repulsed by the smell of the bait or dead mice
There are cases where the mouse bait that you placed could be alarming to the rodents. Although it’s popularly believed that mice love cheese, most cheddar baits have a strong smell which could be keeping them away from your traps. Similarly, they may get a whiff of the captured mice and turn the other direction to avoid the trap.
Tips On Using Glue Traps For Capturing Mice

There are essentially two types of glue traps that can be used for rodent and pest control. The first one is the glue tent trap which is made of a cardboard box with its inside coated with a sticky adhesive. The advantage of using the tent trap is that it hides the rodent and prevents your pets from getting stuck on the sticky surface.
Other options for sticky traps are glue boards or glue trays. They’re made of a flat piece of plastic or cardboard with the surface covered by a layer of adhesive. The idea for this is that it will immobilize the rodents once it comes into contact with the glue trap.
Now whether you decide to use a glue tent or sticky board, there are important reminders to guarantee effective mouse trapping. Here are some tips you need to remember when placing glue traps around your home:
1. Find the best location for trap placement
Since placing traps close to a mouse hole isn’t ideal, the next best location for your glue boards is along rodent runways or areas with high mouse activity. Most rodents tend to avoid open areas and spaces so check the corners and along wall surfaces for trails of mouse droppings. As much as possible, place the traps perpendicularly against a wall since mice tend to stick close to the surface when they’re crawling.
You should also avoid placing mouse traps in the middle of the floor since they generally dislike being out in large spaces. During winter, mice and rats can also be found nesting in warm places so you can put glue traps near appliances or under the water heater and sinks. You can also check dark and cluttered areas and set up traps around them.
2. Place multiple traps in one location
When it comes to mouse trapping, you have higher chances of catching a house mouse when you set up more than one glue trap. Rodents have a strong survival instinct and they may attempt to jump over the trap to avoid getting stuck. If you place glue traps next to each other, they can still land on the sticky surface or have their paws caught in the trap even if they try to skip over it.
3. Wear gloves when handling and setting up traps
When you place mouse traps with your bare hands, you are leaving your scent on the surface which can deter mice. So when preparing the mouse bait and installing traps, you should make sure to wear disposable gloves to avoid leaving traces of human smell.
4. Pick the right bait and place a good amount to successfully lure them
One common mistake when mouse trapping is using the wrong bait or placing too little amounts of food in the trap. Although cheese is thought to be the standard mouse bait, most rodents prefer food rich in carbohydrates and proteins. They tend to scavenge for nuts, fruit seeds, grains, meat, beef jerky, and pet food. You can also use chocolate, peanut butter, or any nesting material like a cotton ball as bait for the glue traps.
5. Dispose of the rodent and thoroughly clean the surfaces where the glue traps were placed
The final and most important step of mouse trapping is disposing of the captured mice. Before you pick up the trap, don’t forget to put on rubber gloves to avoid exposure to their urine and droppings in the tray. If a live mouse is stuck on the trap, carefully place the trap in a box and carry it several miles from your home. Use vegetable oil to release the mouse from the trap and throw the used glue board in airtight containers.
If a dead mouse has been caught, you must first spray a disinfectant solution on the rodent before placing it in a plastic container. Seal them in a second bag before throwing them away in the trash can. Once they are taken care of, use a diluted bleach solution to clean the surfaces where the glue trap was installed. Make sure to wipe the surfaces where the rodents could have traveled to erase their tracks and remove evidence of droppings.
How Can You Identify A Mouse Hole?

Mouse holes serve as a rodent’s entranceway to your home. Mice and rats can fit their heads in a tiny crack that is no larger than a coin. With their abilities, they can chew and gnaw their way in any hollowed space to access your house.
But contrary to popular belief, these mouse holes don’t necessarily appear as small openings. Some of their usual entry points can be found in:
- Damaged sections along walls or baseboards
- Gaps between water pipes or electrical wiring
- Small cracks created around a foundation
- Near windows, attic vents, and exterior doors
- Access points can also be found in areas where there are lots of food supply such as the kitchen or pantry
You should also inspect the surrounding area for signs of rodent activity. If you can find tracks of rodent movement, mouse droppings, or pieces of chewed furniture, you can follow their trails since they’ll most likely lead to their nests or mouse holes.
What’s The Best Thing To Do If You Spot A Mouse Hole?
When you discover a mouse hole, you should immediately block or seal it to eliminate their access to your home. You can cover any openings with steel wool or install a wire mesh screen to prevent unwanted rodents inside your property. You should also fix gaps that are accessible from your garage or backyard and close large holes in the foundation and structures with cement or caulk.
How Effective Are Glue Traps For Rodent Control?
Glue traps help catch small rodents and other household pests like cockroaches and insects. They’re also a great alternative to rodenticides and rodent bait stations which usually require multiple feedings of mouse poison before the rodents are exterminated.
One disadvantage of rat poison and bait stations is that they are slow-acting and it can be difficult to find and clean the dead rodent. With glue traps, you have visual confirmation that the rodents are captured and you can see to it that they are removed from your home.
Sticky Traps vs Other Mouse Trap Types
There are different mouse trap options that you can choose from. According to pest control professionals, the type of trap that you will use will always depend on your intended goal for rodent control. Here are the other types of traps that can be used at home:
| How Does It Work? | What Is It Best Used For? |
Live traps | It is a humane trap that uses a catch-and-release system to avoid killing rodents. Most live mouse traps have a closure system that will prevent the mice from escaping once they take the bait. | Live catch traps are used for getting rid of mice without harming them. However, there is a slight risk of contamination since rodents might urinate or release droppings inside the box. |
Snap traps | A traditional snap trap comes with a spring-loaded bar that will release and kill the mouse upon contact. | Snap traps are effective for immediate rodent extermination and removal. It’s important to place them far from the reach of children since they may get themselves stuck on the snap. |
Electronic traps | An electronic mouse trap is a battery-powered rodent extermination device that releases a powerful shock to kill the mice. | Like snap traps, they are good for ensuring that the rodents are dead upon capture. Its advantage is that most electronic traps are enclosed while snap traps are open and leave the dead mice exposed. |
Glue traps | Rather than killing rodents, glue traps work to capture or stop the movements of mice. | Glue traps can help you control rodent activity and reveal the locations where most rodents are present in your home. |
The Best Infestation Extermination Services at Midway Pest Management

From determining proper trap placement to choosing the best bait, there are a lot of factors to consider when you want to use glue mouse traps. Although these traps can manage the mice population to a certain extent, the best rodent control solution is contacting a professional pest management company.
Midway Pest Management is a Kansas City-based pest control company that provides expert inspection, extermination, and prevention services for your rodent control needs. We have a team of experienced specialists who can help recommend the best approach to solve your rodent problems. Get in touch with us to find out the best rodent control plan for you or book your free home inspection today.