Rodent Control
Protegiendo Su Hogar de los Roedores en Invierno: Una Guía para los Propietarios de Viviendas en Kansas City Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Amazon Music | Youtube Music | RSSHola, mi nombre es Luis González y les doy la bienvenida a otro episodio del podcast ¿Qué te está picando?, traído a ustedes por Midway Pest Management. Hoy hablaremos sobre una molestia común en invierno que muchos propietarios de viviendas en el área […]
Protecting Your Home from Winter Rodents: A Guide for Kansas City Homeowners Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Amazon Music | Youtube Music | RSSHi, my name is Luis Gonzalez, and welcome to another episode of the What’s Bugging You? podcast, brought to you by Midway Pest Management. Today, we’re talking about a winter nuisance that many homeowners in the Kansas City area will encounter as the cold […]
Rodents, All About Mice and Rats in Kansas City Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Amazon Music | Youtube Music | RSS(This Podcast was transcribed by, please excuse any typos, or incorrect transcriptions. Please listen to audio in your favorite podcast platform) Welcome to another episode with Midway Pest Management. I am your host Luis Gonzalez. And today I want to talk […]
Best Bait for Mouse Traps
Mouse traps are one of the best methods to eliminate rodents inside a property. When faced with a mice infestation, this device offers a quick and affordable solution to the problem. Traps are usually used with a bait that lures the rodent, so it’s important to use the best bait available to make your trap […]
6 Things That Attract Rats to Your House
Rats are the uninvited guests you don’t ever want to see scurrying in the home. These dirty pests bring destruction and disease wherever they go. To prevent them from building a nest in your home, it’s important to make sure that there’s nothing in the house that could possibly attract them. So what are the […]
Is It Okay To Leave A Glue Trap Near A Mouse Hole?
Setting up glue traps is one of the most common methods for catching mice. They’re cheap, easy to use, and most of them are chemical-free so they’re safe to place around children and household pets. But when using sticky traps, it’s important to know where to properly place them so the traveling rodents will successfully […]
Can You Reuse Mouse Traps?
Most homeowners turn to mouse traps for addressing rodent infestation in their house, especially when the mice activity is still tolerable. Mouse traps are accessible, convenient, and cost-efficient. When done right, it also provides you with great results. Some homeowners would maximize mouse traps and use it more than once. It makes sense because the […]
What Smell Drives Rats Away?
No one wants to see rats in their home. The filthy pests leave droppings and urinate all over, and you don’t even want to think about the diseases they might bring. Aside from keeping the home clutter-free, some scents are also effective in driving rats away from the property. So what kind of odor can […]
Will Mice Stay Away If You Have Cats?
Cats are one of the most popular pets for many households and families out there. They’re cute, cuddly, and independent, which is why cat enthusiasts love keeping one in their home. But some homeowners also adopt them for a more practical reason – chasing mice around the house. So will keeping a cat prevent mice […]
Will Mice Crawl on You While Sleeping?
The bedroom is a personal space in the home where you let your guard down and have a good night’s sleep. But if mice have started infesting the home and have infiltrated your personal space, it’s hard to relax knowing that they may climb in the bed. So is there a chance that a mouse […]