Rain can stimulate termite activity in your home. That’s because most of them are drawn to damp and humid conditions. It’ll drive them to mate, especially after a rainy day during the warm months, and it’ll encourage them to build new colonies. These will leave your home extremely vulnerable to subterranean termite invasions.
Is there anything you can do to protect your house from flying termites after rain? Aside from calling your trusted pest control, you can also take certain measures to prep up your home against such pesky insects. Dive in below to learn more.
Tips to Keep Flying Termites Out After a Rainy Day
Flying termites can wreak havoc in your home if you let them. By following the tips below, you can deter any winged termite infestation before it even happens:
- Cut off possible food sources
Swarming termites will target anything with cellulose in it. So before the rainy season starts, make sure to deny them such food sources. Clear away rotten or abandoned wood in your garden, and remove any tree stumps in your yard. If you have firewood, store them on elevated platforms and as far away from water as possible. Doing these and other things will cut off a termite’s food supply, discouraging them from invading.
- Prune your garden
While you’re cutting off the flying termites’ food supply in your garden, make sure to check your plants, shrubs, and bushes. Termites love targeting unhealthy flora as they’re more vulnerable than healthy ones. So to keep them from becoming breeding grounds for flying termite swarms, make it a point to prune your garden now and then.
- Fix your roofs and walls
While most termites burrow underground, that doesn’t mean you should neglect the holes in your roof and walls. Certain termite swarmers, most notably the drywood termite, will target any wood it can find. Should they spot the holes in your house come the rainy, mating season, they’ll make their way there to wreak havoc. To prevent that, you have to fix all the holes in your roof and walls.
- Check for other leaks
At the same time, you should check for other leaks in your home. That way, you can seal other possible entry points for flying termites or flying ants while simultaneously keeping rainwater out. Look for cracks and damages to your pipes, and inspect your faucets to see if they’re malfunctioning (they could wind up damaging your home’s plumbing).
- Install mesh screens
Speaking of entry points, you should also install screens on your windows, doors, and air vents. For best results, get screens with 20-grade meshes since they can effectively keep termites out while still allowing proper airflow in the house. If you don’t know how to install screens (or don’t have the time to do so), you can have a professional do it for you.
- Capture other small bugs
At first glance, termites and ants look similar. If you happen to encounter an insect in your home and you don’t know if it’s a termite or not, capture it anyway and bring it to an expert. That way, you can identify what that bug is and whether it’s a threat to your home. As a bonus, doing this will alert you of possible flying termite infestations (in case the insect you found is indeed one).
- Get professional help
A termite infestation isn’t something you can handle on your own. So as soon as the first signs of an incoming flying termite swarm appear, call your trusted pest control right away. With their skills, knowledge, and experience, they’ll easily help you come up with the best solution to keep termites out of your home.
Read more: How to Get Rid of Flying Termites
Enjoy a Termite-Proof Home With Midway Pest Management
Having trouble prepping up your home against termites this coming rainy season? Call Midway Pest Management and worry no more!
Midway Pest Management is a leading provider of pest control services in the Johnson County area. With our team of anti-termite professionals, we can help you protect your homes from flying termite invasions during the rainy season. Plus, our services come with preliminary inspections to help you come up with the best ant-termite treatment for your house.
Interested in our termite control services? Call now to get a free quote!