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Welcome to another episode of what’s bugging you here with midway pest management. I am your host, Luis Gonzales and today we’re going to be talking about was, I have several walls that I want to go in and talk about. These are going to be naturally occurring in the Midwest. We are based out of Kansas City and these are going to be the most common was the cicada killer. We have the mud dauber we have the paper wasps, yellow jacket and bald faced Hornets. Now, they’re not all equal in aggressiveness. We’re going to start with the cicada killer so cicada killer, usually burrows underground, it is a large boss can be even up to about two inches. They primarily feed on cicadas. This year, we’re going to have two types of cicadas that are going to be swarming this year. So the cicada killers are gonna be pretty active. But what these wolves will do is they’ll sting the cicadas, they’ll paralyze them, they’ll drag them to their underground burrow, and they’re gonna use that as a food source. So again, cicada killers, they burrow underground, there are solitary walls, so it’s not going to be a nest that’s going to have hundreds 1000s of laws just going to be single wass nesting, then we have the mud dauber mud numbers are very interesting. They’re a solitary walls, and they’ll build mud like structures with little cylinder cavities. These little cylinder cavities are going to be used to bring insects so that the larva can feed off of those very similar behavior to the cicada killer. It’ll paralyze the insects and then it’ll stuffed them into each cylinder of that mud like structure where that’ll have a fresh food source for the offspring. Then we have paper was so paper was is a more aggressive was the cicada killer and the mandala is really they’re not aggressive you can be around them. They may bus around you dive bomb you a little bit but they’re really not going to initiate an attack. Whereas paper was they do build large nests. Sometimes it can be in the dozens or sometimes it can be in the hundreds or a very well established colony can be in very, very large numbers. These these nests are going to be hanging usually from structures up on porches, eaves, sheds, even inside attics, and they’ll build layers of nesting materials that kind of resemble a honeycomb from like a honeybee. But make no mistake, these are not honeybees, and they do pack a punch if you get stung by them. Unlike bees, wasps will sting multiple times they won’t lose their stinger. And depending on somebody’s own reaction allergic reaction, the sting could be more severe with some people and not as severe with others. Then we have the yellow jacket, the yellow jackets a very interesting one. So we’re going to spend a little bit more time with this one. They kind of resemble honey bees. They’re not honey bees, and they do pack a nasty, nasty sting. If you get stung by them, they usually nests underground or in wall void cavities. They’re second cavity nesters. So what’ll happen is say there’s a mouse burrow somewhere in the soil in the lawn, these wasps will come in will take over that Nas and they’ll use that hollow cavity that’s underground to start to establish a NAS and build a colony that can be in the dozens hundreds if not even 1000s. For a well established colony. They can also nest in walls say that the siding is broken somewhere or cockiness missing, or a woodpecker picked a hole in the siding and build a cavity. If they can find a wall void, they’ll start to come in there, push the insulation to the side and build a pretty healthiness that is protected from the elements protected from people. What we need to know about Yellowjackets is that they are very aggressive in nature. If you are around their nests, they’ll feel threatened and they can initiate an attack. Similar to paperwhites. We just spoke about any loud noises, thoughts. If you’re mowing the lawn, if kids aren’t playing, screaming, any noise around their nesting will be just enough. It’ll cause enough vibrations that they’ll feel threatened and then they’ll come out investigate and if you’re around, you will be unfortunate to get stung and they’ll they’ll put on a good Chase and they won’t leave you alone. So be careful whenever you’re around. Paper wise, be careful when you’re around yellow jackets. Then we’re gonna go hand in progress and talk about last but not least, our bald faced Hornets. These are really cool. Hornets, they’re black and white. And they build massive nests, paper likeness, they’ll they’ll eat leaves are any paper material and then they’ll regurgitate it and build large structures. Some of them can be as large as a basketball size, but I’ve seen smaller ones volleyball size, or even smaller than that. The bigger the NASA bigger the colony, the bigger and larger than NASA is going to be. Now, we don’t hear too much about bald faced Hornets. And the reason is because they typically build their nests above ground on tree branches and usually, you know, 20 3040 feet high, where people are really not looking. And even if somebody’s walking below it nests. Usually there’s enough of a buffer between you and the Nez that the Wasp won’t feel threatened, they won’t attack unless that nest tends to be closer than obviously you know, be careful use caution they can definitely attack. These walls are very interesting. Their wasp nests are really amazing and in most cases they’re wonderful to keep as a as a souvenir but I hope you found this video interesting. Again, I am your host Luis Gonzalez with midway pest management. We are located in Olathe, Kansas serving the entire Kansas City Metro. If you have any questions regarding bugs, feel free to call us I would be more than happy to speak to you anytime here at the office. And then also if you don’t have a pest control service provider and would like to, you know initiate pest control either for your home or business or have a friend that needs pest control. Don’t hesitate to refer us midway pest management located in a lathe that you can contact us at 913-820-9737 Thank you so much for listening to this podcast if you’re watching this podcast thank you for tuning in and watching us. I wish you all a wonderful day. Thank you